We are advocates in the responsible use of plastic materials and where possible aim to reduce environmental impact by using biodegradable or bio-sourced materials.
Innovation is at the heart of our approach, and our knowledge, skills and expertise in material selection and engineering has led to several ground-breaking developments in adhesive technology and product design. Through continuous investment in our company, supported by an R&D programme galvanised by an inherent drive for innovation, our material and product development has helped enhance industries for over 25 years.
With extensive in-house conversion facilities, our products and solutions deliver improved performance and added value to industries across the globe, including healthcare, automotive, and wind energy sectors.
Our two companies within the group are Tecman Advanced Material Engineers - manufacturing and converting adhesive technology and advanced materials to deliver value added solutions to industry, and Tecman Advanced Healthcare Products - designing and developing next generation face and eye protection products that deliver our 4 Pillars of Comfort.
Our values and ethos are consistent throughout the Tecman group, cascading throughout our R&D programmes, product design, manufacturing processes and throughout our dedicated and skilled team members.