Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all of their activities positively affect society as a whole. CSR policies aim to guarantee that companies work ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic and environmental impacts of what they do as a business. Businesses should meet, and aim to exceed, any relevant legislation, and if legislation does not exist in a particular area, the company should ensure they carry out best practices anyway.  

Tecman UK and all of its subsidiaries are committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the below policy. 


Who are Tecman Group and what we do

Tecman Group is a UK based SME focused on innovative product design, advanced material technology and high-volume manufacturing. 

We are advocates in the responsible use of plastic materials and where possible aim to reduce environmental impact by using biodegradable or bio-sourced materials. 

Innovation is at the heart of our approach and our knowledge, skills, and expertise in material selection and engineering has led to several ground-breaking developments in adhesive technology and product design. 

Our vision is to establish Tecman as a sustainable organisation globally recognised as a leader in advanced material engineering. 

Our creative and collaborative approach to new projects has enabled the development of solutions to seemingly impossible challenges, whilst building long-lasting partnerships with our customers and supply partners based on mutual respect. 

We recognise the importance that our culture and company values have had in developing these important partnerships and we pledge to continue: 

  • Our pioneering spirit with an inherent drive for innovation 
  • Our enthusiasm to surpass expectations in everything we do 
  • Being ambitiously sustainable, both financially and environmentally, to help improve the lives of our team members, our families, and our communities 
  • Togetherness, because we can always achieve greater things by working together, in collaboration with all stakeholders. 


Looking After Our Employees

We recognise that to retain our position at the forefront of our field we must continue to invest in our people, resources, and manufacturing technologies. Togetherness is one of our core values and is reflected in our care and investment in our employees. 

  • We work to meet and where possible exceed legislation ensuring our working practice aligns with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • SQDIP lies at the heart of our operations with safety prioritised above all other elements 
  • Senior staff are professionally trained in all aspects of staff welfare including qualifications in mental health and well-being
  • Tecman offers a financial and time-based training support package to all employees and professional development is encouraged, monitored and promoted in many areas 
  • Part of the commitment to staff is to ensure we promote healthy eating with fruit and healthy foods provided throughout the workplace 
  • A Cycle-to-work scheme is available to all employees with investment in facilities to park bicycles 
  • Regular communications, workshops and staff events ensure that all staff are involved and engaged throughout the business
  • Pay and benefits are reviewed regularly and Tecman is committed to ensuring staff are paid correctly and on time.  Wages exceed the National Minimum/ Living Wage, with an equal quarterly profit-based bonus paid to all staff
  • In 2022 Tecman introduced a RPI based Cost of Living wage supplement for all staff to support their financial well-being during the turbulent times  
  • Senior management are further incentivised with a profit share scheme  
  • Tecman is committed to its HR policies working closely with internal and external bodies to ensure legal compliance and any issues are dealt with appropriately. 


Looking After Customer Partners

It is essential to look after our customers, to make sure that they have a positive and lasting impression of their activity with Tecman. Exceeding Expectations is a core value and we are committed to delivering Wow!  

  • It is our objective that every interaction with Tecman should be a positive one for all stakeholders and we aim to exceed their expectations at every point 
  • When working with customers it is our aim to deliver world-class value at every stage from engineering concepts to high-volume manufacturing
  • To measure our performance, we monitor KPI’s and gather feedback from customers by conducting regular satisfaction surveys.  This is reviewed at the top level of management and actions taken to improve at every point
  • 2021 – 22 Tecman invested extensively in improving its global competitiveness through a program of training and development throughout the organisation
  • With SQDIP lying at the heart of our operations, quality and delivery are essential points and are constantly monitored and managed through the QMS and other associated assets 
  • We are committed to ensuring excellent customer communication and measure ourselves on speed and accuracy of responses to all customer interactions. 


Suppliers’ Standards 

It is vital to ensure that we have excellent supply chain partners and maintain good working relationships with them. Product quality and consistency will always be prioritised over price, and we will focus on efficiency to achieve competitiveness and never sacrifice quality.

  • We operate a robust supply-chain management policy involving monitoring, management and development of suppliers and their capabilities
  • All supply chain partners must operate to the highest ethical standards providing evidence that they adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and operate in line with the Bribery Act 2010 
  • Local suppliers will be prioritised wherever possible to minimise carbon impact, maximise efficiency and support the local and national economy 
  • We are committed to paying our suppliers properly and on time 
  • We are committed to clear communication with suppliers and to take a collaborative and constructive approach to problem solving 
  • We will work with our suppliers to continuously improve their product quality and cost competitiveness.


Protecting the Environment 

Sustainability is one of our core values and reducing environmental impact of our business and its activities remains a priority. 

  • We are advocates in the responsible use of plastic materials and where possible aim to reduce environmental impact by using biodegradable or bio-sourced materials
  • We are committed to monitoring waste reduction, re-using and recycling
  • We will continue to work on initiatives that enable the re-use of certain processing materials providing second and at times third life for material
  • We will encourage greener transport by the endorsing the following: 
    • Encourage staff to walk, cycle, car share or use public transport to get to work if possible
    • Encourage staff to use greener fuels in their personal vehicles if possible
    • Provide free charging for staff EV 
    • Operate a sustainable energy program with increasing amounts of our energy consumed coming from renewable sources 
    • Any company vehicles will be as energy efficient as possible focusing on EV. 


Community Engagement 

As a business, we are committed to supporting our local communities and charitable organisations. 

  • We make monetary and practical donations to local charities, sports clubs, societies, youth groups, community centres 
  • We purchase supplies from locally operated stores wherever possible 
  • We support local and national charities by donating time through staff participation in volunteering days
  • Staff continue to participate in fund raising initiatives for charities which are promoted and supported by the organisation 
  • Supporting the surrounding community by employing local people 
  • Participate in regional and national focus groups, think tanks and other networking organisations to promote and support local and national businesses.



Although it is fantastic to set ourselves these ambitious goals and ensure these CSR measures are in place, it is just as important to regularly monitor and assess whether these measures are working.  

We monitor a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) on a simple balanced scorecard.  This provides feedback on the effectiveness of these commitments and the performance of the company.  Regular meetings are held at all levels throughout the organisation to ensure that we are succeeding in our ambitions. 

Dedicated resource is committed to ensuring that we are operating a continuous improvement model which continues to deliver value and growth to all our stakeholders and associates. 

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